"Most guys joke that women should come with an instruction manual. The problem with a manual on women is that most guys, who should read it? Won’t. So here’s a little something that even the laziest boyfriend or suitor can muddle through if he has an actual eye to being a better man."
Better Boyfriend 101: Proposals and Solutions
"It's our privilege, class, to have a guest lecture and case study of sorts. Today we’ll feature the story of a young man who pays attention like very few men I’ve ever known."
Better Boyfriend 101: Hand Holding
A quick discussion on touching. Not like Hitch's primer on breaking the touch barrier. After all, this is not Remedial Boyfriend. Hand holding is one of the basic components of romance. It rates so low on the scale of affectionate contact that it doesn't get a base.
Better Boyfriend 101: Women In a Different Light
As a way of bringing a touch of balance to the Better Boyfriend series, we have a satire on the dark side of girlhood, written by Jessica Mazza.
Better Boyfriend 101: Like a Sir
"As a lifelong advocate of universal respect, knowledge, and bein’ classy, it was with no small amount of humor and joy, that I was recently introduced to the meme, “Like a Sir.” The best way to describe it, so far*, is the application of sophistication to the everyday."
If You Don't Flirt Back, It's Sexual Harassment
Here's the rub.
In some way shape or form, before "happy couple", comes "flirting strangers." There seem to be a phenomenon wherein lots of people don't like to flirt. But hopefully, this is more of a call to action, than pure lament. I am an insatiable flirt. Sometimes I even flirt when I don't want to. I do it for fun. I do it for profit. I do it to get places. I do it to kill time. It's a little like shopping.
Romance Gone Awry
Dear John,
I never really got into Valentine’s Day. All the hype, the drama, the expectation never turns out to be worth it. Our Valentine’s Day will definitely be remembered. I love that you were planning this out so far in advance. In the future, however, you should maybe wait ‘til the event before you purchase flowers. Roses lose something when their brittle, discolored petals are falling off.
...a day during which women may freely ask a man's hand in marriage and the refusal comes with a fine ranging from one pound, up through a new dress.
So, the single romantic twenty-somethings have one question swimming around their heads. "Will I know the one?" It’s a constant refrain. There are people who pray for their future partners. Others who are on the lookout for their soul mates. A guy I know professes that marriage is a business arrangement yet every time he meets a girl, he’s sure that she’s the next Mrs. G.
First things first. This poem is by no means directed at any person. It's just funny.
And let's be honest, there are probably a few men who fit this bill too. So in you own mind, fix the title, and enjoy.Cardinal Attraction
Books, birds, and solitude.
All Good Things
It ended with a
Alone Together
As they sat, eyes fixed on their matching his & hers ipod covers, ear buds dangling into their laps, they glanced up occasionally, briefly taking in snatches of the outside and of each other.
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