the single romantic twenty-somethings have one question swimming around their
heads. "Will I know the one?" It’s a constant refrain. There are people who pray for their future partners. Others who are on the lookout for their soul mates. A guy I know
professes that marriage is a business arrangement yet every time he meets a
girl, he’s sure that she’s the next Mrs. G.
wish this post was on how to know “the one.” That would be a handy piece of
advice to offer. But even more than great advice, I love a good story. So when
I heard the story of love across state lines, I figured it’d be a nice one to
share. Happy Anniversary Mel.
husband and I were high school sweethearts. And during that time my mom was
battling stage four cancer. And so we ended up being split apart before we
could even break up with each other. And we moved away, my family and I. And my
mom ended up passing away, when I was sixteen (from cancer). And I, kinda just
went on a drifting adventure of life. And in the meantime, during that
adventure, my husband now, was looking everywhere for me. He had flown to
different colleges that I was going to. And he just kept barely missing me. And
so, it had been about ten years since we had last seen one another and he found
me on myspace. And after that, it only took two weeks and I knew it was the
right thing and we were married and we’ll be married four years on December 16th. Here in a couple weeks. And we have two beautiful little boys, who
are two and one. We’re really happy. We’re not the most romantic couple…we like
fishing, and camping. And that’s our great love story.
oh great love stories...i am a fan.