MoTheThird vs. The Flu
To those people curious about the state of my recovery from the flu, etc. with which my girlfriend has been plagued now for ten days. I would characterize myself as being at about 75-80% of normal functionality. A noticeable deviation, but one which, I don't imagine will last much longer. Through a regiment of three to four Emergen-C: Immune Plus packets per day, many handfuls of almonds, spinach, and Honey Nut Quaker Oatmeal Squares, about a gallon of water, two blankets, a heater, 007, Life (the TV show), Day and NyQuil, and unshakable confidence,plus one Amp and five cups of coffee to make it through a long day yesterday. I'm at the door of health. If I thought the system was foolproof or even universally applicable, I would share the minutiae. And perhaps someday, I'll prove it to be awesome and transferable. But since, most people don't have the latitude to spend a day or so in my intense recovery model, it doesn't really matter anyway.
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