Tuesday, April 28, 2009

Time Will Tell

Time is a funny thing
Breakfast time... what is that for real? Is it the first few hours than any one person is awake? Is it a set number of hours in the a.m.? I can wake up late because of my job and nothing is the worse for wear my first of three meals occurs at about noon. Many people would insist that makes what I'm eating "lunch" but why? As I stagger bleary-eyed across the carpet toward my kitchen to align reality with the will of my stomach, all I can think is, "breakfast."

Speaking of breakfast; people have these strange adherence patterns to the strangest rules.

"Hey Bill, Jim brought in burritos. They're sittin' on the table if you want some."

"It's like 8:30 in the morning man."

"Oh don't worry, they're breakfast burritos."

"Well, in that case..."

(Why does this make sense?)

"...Oh and Sue brought in some breakfast meatballs. And I think Jeff brought in some breakfast wine."
The beauty of nomenclature.


  1. I think "breakfast time" is the time after which you wake up from sleep. And if that happens to coincide with a certain mealtime then hey have what ever you want. I guess if you wake up in time for dinner you could have a breakfast burger :)

  2. and i'll take the breakfast wine.

  3. breakfast burritos are a staple food in New Mexico. miss you, Morris.

  4. this made me laugh out laugh, Morris. ps. we should hang out again sometime


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