Wednesday, December 4, 2013

...You'll Never Write Alone

I feel a little bit like a political candidate after an exciting but unsuccessful run for office. The same way that she promises to continue to fight for her platform objectives, so to I promise to make my book a reality. Working on my Kickstarter campaign helped connect me to excellent people who will be instrumental in the finished book project. And as I have said before, I tapped a deep well of creativity while creating promotional materials for the book and the campaign.

So, what comes next? That’s the easy part… and the hard part.
I got my book back from an editor friend, and am applying the recommended changes, as well as adding two chapters I overlooked in my absentminded wisdom. The first version of these changes will be done and ready to beta test around Christmas. I say beta test, because this version of my book will be exclusively available on my blog for a donation. And, as a thank-you for contributing during that beta, donors will be able to receive copies of the final work as they become available.

Stay tuned to my blog MoTheThird (The Gray Area) for updates and all of my promotions. Also, don’t forget to follow me on Twitter and YouTube.

Thank You again! I'll see you in the ether... or maybe in real life. 

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